Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Hardwood Floors: Relief for Allergy Sufferers

As the seasons change, so does the way our bodies adjust to the temperature and climate. With those changes come the dreaded allergies. As some allergens are already inside of homes, those who suffer from seasonal allergies are severely affected during the springtime as the weather shifts. Here are some great reasons as to why you should invest in hardwood floors if you suffer from allergies.

Hardwood Floors Can’t Store Allergens
If you invest in hardwood floors, you reduce the environment for allergens where they can collect and embed within the flooring. While carpet has benefits of its own, it can host a number of allergens within its fibers if not properly taken care of, causing problems for those who suffer from allergies.

Hardwood Floors Cannot Hold Mold Spores (And More)
A British study was conducted on what lies in your carpet, and the results were surprising, and frankly a bit frightening. Along with bacteria breeding within the fibers of your carpet, there’s mold, dirt, food debris, hair and dander. All of these factors can be contributing to upper respiratory issues and allergies in individuals, and unfortunately a simple vacuuming of the floors is not the easy fix for this problem. If you invest in hardwood floors, you cut down on the breeding areas for dangerous mold, bacteria, and other substances to stay and put yourself and others at risk.

Hardwood Floors Are Easy To Keep Clean
With springtime comes tracking in pollen, animal dander, mud, and all kinds of things from outside than cause problems internally. With hardwood floors, it’s extremely easy to keep your floors clean with the swipe of a mop and some cleaning solution. You won’t have to worry about the hassle of time-consuming carpet cleaning if you invest in hardwood floors.

At Hometown Flooring, you can trust the professionals to help you pick the best kind of flooring for you. Whatever you’re looking for, we do our best to accommodate your needs and leave you happy with your flooring choice. For more information on our services and products we offer, you can visit our website or give us a call at (304)-622-6099 today!

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